New Beginnings – Decide to Make Q2 2024 the Best One Yet
April 10, 2024
In Ideas, Innovation
Look how much can happen in the span of 120 seconds.
The sky goes from dark to light.
You make decisions that can change everything!
- decision to set an intention for the day
- decision to stay focused on the important work when the noisy work is calling
- decision to say no to the difficult client
- decision to reset the deadline rather than miss dinner with your family
This morning I:
- made the decision to take a walk and enjoy the morning rather than push harder,
- made the decision to walk in the yard with my husband while the weather was gorgeous,
- made the decision to connect well (knowing that I’ll do a bit more work later today, but also knowing that connections recharge and motivate me).
Those seemingly little decisions are part of why I love being an entrepreneur who makes my own decisions about when, where and how I work.
What decision did you make today (or will you make for tomorrow) that will make all of the difference?