Introducing [A]OS – practice management re-imagined.
Allow us to introduce you to [A]OS – the ADVOS Operating System! In our law practice, we knew we needed a solid foundation for practice management that would enable deliverables-based billing (vs hourly billing) at scale, and searched high and low for an existing solution that would work. Nothing on the market was the right fit, though – so we built our own and named it [A]OS. After years of tweaking, improving, and polishing, we’re thrilled to see other firms operating beautifully in [A]OS and loving their practices in part because of our system!
[A]OS is practice management re-imagined – a system that rewards innovation and professional experience, streamlines operations, and delights clients with predictable, measurable results.
We manage every aspect of our firm in [A]OS, and it’s our single source of truth. The sales process, client work, operational and administrative work, financial management – it’s all tracked in [A]OS so we never lose track of what needs to happen or who is on point. It allows us not just to see the work, but to prioritize it well, so we can focus on the important and not just the urgent.
We’ve also built in our processes and workflows so that we benefit from automation where it’s appropriate; captured best practices and expertise in Playbooks so we continually deliver excellence; track data so we’re measuring what matters; and have incredible pathways for communication, accountability and visibility across the team.
If you’re missing any of these features or functions and would like to learn more, schedule a demo here.