Lawyering doesn’t have to suck (Enter: the Path to PROmance)
[TL/DR: Click here to take the PROmance Scorecard. Ready to join us in the Path to PROmance? Click here to join.]
If you’re a lawyer in a solo practice or small firm, and you’re feeling burned out, dreading calls with your clients, having to collect on invoices that your clients aren’t thrilled to pay, missing family events so you can meet court and client deadlines, and on top of it all not getting paid what you’re worth…you’re not alone.
A lot of us have been there (and many still are) – but there’s good news! Lawyering doesn’t have to suck, and it doesn’t even have to be just tolerable!
You CAN have a practice you love, that loves you back. And getting there doesn’t have to be hard.
Enter: the Path to PROmance – your path to breaking free from the frustration and burn out that so many lawyers feel.
The Path to PROmance is designed to make it easy for you to (1) clarify what you want from your practice, (2) measure where you currently stand with respect to that vision, and track your progress toward it over time, (3) identify what you need to do to move your practice forward, and (4) prioritize and execute on those actions in bite-sized steps so you’re working on the right things, in the right order, and without overwhelm or anxiety.
When you join the Path to PROmance membership, you get immediate access to all of the materials – the PROmance Scorecard, plus 6 modules packed with video guides, checklists, templates, worksheets, scripts, and more. You’ll also have access to our live quarterly sessions for members, including Office Hours / Q&A, Themed Workshops, and Strategic Planning Sessions.
But the real magic is the 1:1 guidance, support and accountability you get – you’ll have a 1:1 onboarding session to be sure you’re set up for success, and throughout the membership you’ll have 1:1 deep dives (at the start of the membership and every quarter thereafter) and biweekly check-ins with me or Gwen. We’re here to make sure you stay on track and make the progress you promised yourself. Our mission and commitment is for you to realize your own PROmance – so we’re in this together with you.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll dive a bit deeper into each of the 6 Path to PROmance modules. In the meantime, I’d encourage you to take our PROmance Scorecard, and see how your current practice stacks up. The Scorecard is FREE, and it only takes about 5 minutes to complete.
It’s time to get a baseline score for your practice, so that in a few months, you can look back and see exactly how far you’ve come. I can’t wait to celebrate that progress with you!
Here’s to building your PROmance!