“How Can I Make This Easy?”
I watched a video this morning from Stu McLaren that was so simple and brilliant – I had to share. Stu kept emphasizing that when things feel hard, or you’re overwhelmed, or you are staring at a roadblock, the thing to do is:
(1) zoom out (look at the bigger picture, not the nitty gritty)
(2) ask yourself “How can I make this easy?”
By building in the belief that it CAN be easy, and then leaning in to that idea, you give yourself the chance to see different solutions (and maybe even frame the problem differently or side-step it altogether). Can you outsource or delegate? Are there tried and true paths you can lean on, to leverage the work others have done or the lessons they’ve learned? Is the problem actually worth solving? (one of my favorite sayings – is the juice worth the squeeze?) Are there tools you can use to make the lift lighter?
What a great reminder that even though you’re on a mission that is really important to you, that doesn’t mean the mission has to be hard. Pick your head up, look around at the resources available to you, and let it be easy, friends!
To your #PROmance,
P.S. – If you’re trying to figure out how to break up with hourly billing, leaning in to our P3 Method is a great way to #letitbeeasy! Check out our digital course, Price, Pitch + Profit in a Post-Billable Hour World – it’ll guide you step-by-step through the easy way to implement the P3 Method for deliverables-based billing in your firm.
P.P.S. – We have a ton of other great free resources on our website and in the ADVOSphere, geared to help you build the practice you love, that loves you back. Dive in!