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ADVOS Pro / Client & Team Experience  / Find Your People

Find Your People

Do you ever feel like you’re alone on an island because, in a sea of lawyers working in the traditional model, you’ve decided to lawyer differently?

Or are you feeling trapped in that traditional law firm model, knowing there must be a better way and wishing you knew the people who could help you figure it out?

Friend, you’ve got to find your people. (And here’s your soundtrack)

A few weeks ago, a colleague (Mat Kerbis) tagged me and a bunch of other lawyers in a LinkedIn post that was essentially a roll call of lawyers who are practicing as outside general counsel. It took me a little while, but I eventually went back to that post, and reached out to the other folks who were tagged. I basically just said “Mat tagged us both in this post, and I’d love to know more about what you’re up to. Here’s my calendar link if you’re game.”

Turns out, a lot of those folks were hungry to connect, too. I’ve been having 2-3 virtual coffees a week since then, and they are the BEST conversations! I’ve heard about lots of variations on the framework for an “outside general counsel” practice. I’ve heard about the freedom people have experienced when they decided to work differently and build a practice they love, that loves them back. I’ve heard how hard it can be to launch a new practice on your own – and also how fun and rewarding it is. I’ve met babies and pets and been introduced to others who are “our people”. I’ve learned what folks do for fun and what drives them to show up with their best selves every day.

Through those conversations, we are building real connection and community. We are adding to our tribe. We are recognizing “our people.”

We humans tend to be tribal. We look for the people who are into what we’re into, who believe what we believe, or as I often say, are the same kind of crazy as us. When we find them, we want to gather, lock arms, and stick together.

That’s easy when “our people” are easy to identify because of the colors they wear on game day, or the conference or meeting they attend. It’s harder when it’s less obvious which people in the sea of LinkedIn connections are “our people”, because our tribe isn’t defined by a particular job title, alma mater, or industry association membership.

Good news: we built the gathering place for our tribe of lawyers who want to build practices they love, that love them back. It’s called the ADVOSphere, it’s completely free, and I hope you’ll join us.

Want to find your people? Click here to join the ADVOSphere – we’re waiting for you!

To your #PROmance and finding your people,
