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Are You Trapped in the Endless Cycle of Billable Hours?

You’re an ambitious lawyer, dedicated to your clients and your craft. But you’re stuck in a system that values quantity over quality, where your worth is measured in six-minute increments. You’re constantly racing against the clock, and it’s burning you out. You’re missing family events, losing touch with friends, and your work-life balance is non-existent.

Sound familiar?

Trapped in the Endless Cycle

The Clock is Your Worst Enemy

Billable hours are draining your energy, eroding your passion, and putting a cap on your earning potential. You’re missing out on life’s moments, and it feels like you’re playing a game you can’t win.

The Clock is Your Worst Enemy

Billable hours are draining your energy, eroding your passion, and putting a cap on your earning potential. You’re missing out on life’s moments, and it feels like you’re playing a game you can’t win.

Retina Ready

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Awesome Features

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Fully Responsive

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One-Click Import

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Social Media Integration

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It’s Time for a Revolution: Welcome to ADVOS Pro

We understand the pain of being a slave to the clock. That’s why we’ve created a groundbreaking method that transitions you from exhausting billable hours to liberating deliverables-based billing.

Imagine a world where you’re rewarded for your expertise, not just your time. A world where you can focus on what really matters: delivering exceptional value to your clients and enjoying your practice.

Join the Revolution

When you bill by the hour…


Days you’ll wait to be paid*


Work/life balance

We’ve Been There and We Can Help You Escape

We are lawyers, just like you, who were once trapped in a relentless cycle of billable hours. We felt the same frustrations, the same limitations, and knew there had to be a better way. That’s why we developed our P3 Method – to free ourselves from the tyranny of time-tracking.

Now, we’re on a mission to help you and other lawyers break free – to make a difference, and to do more of the things that matter to them.

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We’ve Been There and We Can Help You Escape

We are lawyers, just like you, who were once trapped in a relentless cycle of billable hours. We felt the same frustrations, the same limitations, and knew there had to be a better way. That’s why we developed our P3 Method – to free ourselves from the tyranny of time-tracking.

Now, we’re on a mission to help you and other lawyers break free – to make a difference, and to do more of the things that matter to them.

Transition to Deliverables-Based Billing

Our unique method shifts your focus from time to value, allowing you to price, pitch, and profit without the burden of time-tracking. We provide you with the tools, templates, and training to make the transition smooth and effective.

We will help you break free from the billable hours that are holding you back.

Make the Switch

Show off those good reviews

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Exactly what I’m looking for.

I've been looking for this my whole career and I've never been able to get it done other than my own spreadsheet. So thanks for building this thing I've always wanted.

B.B. ADVOS Pro Client

It’s a game changer.

Clients agree to rates and pay before we start the work! We rarely spend time on collections or write-offs, and my cash flow is incredibly predictable with this model.

W.H. ADVOS Pro Client

This method is amazing!

The P3 Method blows hourly billing out of the water.

L.W. ADVOS Pro client

Great flexibility.

I was born and bred on hourly billing, but it doesn’t serve me or my clients very well. I’m loving that with the move to deliverables-based billing, the client understands the fees on the front end and I don’t have to battle with them to collect on my invoices.

J.D. ADVOS Pro client

Showcase Your Social Media Feeds with Ayro

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Mark Johnson
Developer at Google

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Johanna Liebowitz
Marketing Manager at H&M

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect adipiscing elit, sed diam.

Daniel McJames
UI Designer at Netflix

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect adipiscing elit, sed diam.

Laura Smith
Account Manager at Amazon

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Imagine Your New Life

Predictable Earnings
No more sleepless nights worrying whether clients will actually pay their bills.
Increased Profits
Grow your firm and your profits without the limitations of hourly billing.
Stronger Relationships
Build trust and long-term partnerships.
Love Your Work
Experience a happier work environment with engaging tasks boosting team satisfaction.

Predictable Earnings

No more sleepless nights worrying whether clients will actually pay their bills.

Enjoy peace of mind with consistent, dependable revenue streams.

Increased Profits

Grow your firm and your profits without the limitations of hourly billing.

Embrace a model that values your expertise over mere hours.

Stronger Relationships

Build trust and long-term partnerships with your clients.

Deepen connections by aligning goals and delivering consistent value.

Love Your Work

Experience a happier work environment with engaging tasks boosting team satisfaction.

Empower your team with meaningful work, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

It’s Time for a New Approach

Stop settling for a practice that leaves you drained and undervalued. The future you’ve been waiting for starts with a single, decisive step. Enroll now to take the first step towards a more fulfilling, profitable practice.

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Take the First Step Now

Don’t let another day go by stuck in the old model of billable hours. Discover how our P3 Method will teach you how to free yourself from the oppression of time-tracking. This is your chance to transform your practice, elevate your profits, and reclaim your life – take the first step now.

Discover Our P3 Method

Don’t Let Your Practice Become a Prison

If you don’t escape…

You will burn out and your life will always be an uphill battle – both professionally and personally.  You will end up with no money to show for all your efforts, and with no one around to enjoy it with. 

Look around at your colleagues.

ADVOS Pro offers you a way out.

Learn How to Escape Billable Hours Today

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Because You Deserve to Love Your Practice and Be Richly Rewarded for It
Transform Your Practice