More Cash, Happier Clients, Reclaimed Time

Use this tool to see how your law firm can increase profits, and let you reclaim lost time.

Discover how small shifts in your billing method can transform your law firm - bringing you consistent cashflow, less disputed hours, and more revenue.

The Problem with Traditional Billing

Reimagine Legal Billing for Modern Lawyers

Hourly billing can erode your practice's efficiency with unpredictable cash flow and endless invoicing. But there's a way to boost cash flow, reduce sale days, and slash accounts receivable.

More Cash, Happier Clients, Reclaimed Time

Introducing the Cash Machine Calculator

The Cash Machine Calculator offers a glimpse into the benefits of deliverable-based revenue. Just enter your metrics, see the potential, and strategize for a better billing approach.

Get Consistent

Increase Your

Win Back
Your Time

Download the Cash Machine Calculator!

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